Cancellation Policy

At Jacket Hunter, we want you to be satisfied with your purchase. If you need to cancel your order, please follow our cancellation guidelines outlined below.

How to Cancel Your Order

If you wish to cancel your order, please contact us at as soon as possible. We process orders quickly, so the sooner you reach out, the better chance you have of successfully canceling your order.

Cancellation Window

You can cancel your order within 24 hours of placing it for a full refund. If your order has already been shipped, you will need to follow our return policy instead.


If your cancellation is successful and your order has not yet been shipped, you will receive a full refund to your original payment method. Please allow to 10 days for the refund to process, as it may take additional time for your bank or credit card company to post the refund.


Unfortunately, orders that have already been shipped cannot be canceled. In this case, you will need to follow the return policy once you receive the item.

If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding your cancellation, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Contact us:

Trade name: Jacket Hunter

Phone number: +44 7961 033431


Physical address:  5 Crane Ave, Isle worth, TW77JN , United Kingdom